I made a good smooth fast trip back to Camden that afternoon—find every thing
here moving on about the same—life here is pretty monotonous any time, &
especially after banging about & seeing so many folks & being made so much
of as I for the last three or four months—but I
loc.02556.002_large.jpgfeel pretty well & find myself
enjoying most things & times—this beautiful day among the rest—(now
toward sundown, & I am writing this alone up in my room, 3d story—have had
a nice quiet day)—The valise came all right—Thought it best to write to
Leibkeucher,2 Newark, to ask whether I should send
him the two vol. $10 edition, or the one vol. $2 one—which I have accordingly
done—How are you Alma? How are you Ally boy?