The other day I learned that Gov. Cleveland was
a great admirer of Walt Whitman. I at once wrote him a letter to let him know that
JHJ was ditto, and that he—JHJ would
be delighted to bring you and the Gov. together. I have just rec'd a
very nice letter from him, and when you come on, if we dont get him down to our house over Sunday (on the quiet) you and I will take a trip to Albany and
pay our respects and have a splendid time. I just want the world to know that there
is such a man as Gov
Cleveland who loves W.W. It will boom another edition for you sure pop, and I hope you loc.02560.002_large.jpg will come right over and smell the
June roses with us.
A letter from Dr Bucke this morning telling me he has ordered a copy of your life sent to me. Good fellow to remember me wasn't he?