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Walt Whitman to Robert Buchanan, 4 April 1876

Robert Buchanan— 
 My dear friend—

I merely want to say that I have read your letter in the London Daily News2—all your three letters—& that I deeply appreciate them, & do not hesitate to accept & respond to them in the same spirit in which they were surely impelled & written.

May God bless you & yours, Walt Whitman.


  • 1. This draft letter is endorsed, "to Buchanan | April 4 '76 | Sent B the N Y | letter of July 4 '78 | (to Olean Scotland)." The last three lines of the endorsement were added three years later. Whitman referred to "A Poet's Recreation," published in the New York Tribune on July 4, 1878; see Whitman's July 12, 1878 letter to Whitelaw Reid. [back]
  • 2. Buchanan's article of March 13, 1876; Whitman had referred to it in a March 17, 1876 letter to William Michael Rossetti. [back]
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