I sent you over two months ago (Sept 5),2 by express prepaid direct to same address as this letter, a package of some 17 or 18 vols of my books, in wrappers, with names on them. As up to this date I have heard nothing of them from you, and Messrs. Strahan have not acknowledged them either, I am a little uneasy about them. Have they arrived? Have they been distributed?3
I am jogging along much the same. My limbs still lamed from paralysis—but I get around yet—strength a little more reliable—spirits cheerful.
Your letters of April 18 and 28th were very comforting to me. I have read them several times—& they are before me now.
I wrote to you Sept. 4, announcing the Vols. That was my last. Did it reach you? Your letter of April 28th is the last I have rec'd from you.