Title: Walt Whitman to Scribner, Armstrong & Company, 2 September 1876
Date: September 2, 1876
Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Whitman Archive ID: loc.02847
Source: The Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
The transcription presented here is derived from Walt Whitman, The Correspondence, ed. Edwin Haviland Miller (New York: New York University Press, 1961–1977), 303. For a description of the editorial rationale behind our treatment of the correspondence, see our statement of editorial policy.
Cite this page: Whitman, Walt. "Walt Whitman to Scribner, Armstrong & Company, 2 September 1876." The Walt Whitman Archive. Gen. ed. Matt Cohen, Ed Folsom, & Kenneth M. Price. Accessed 03 March 2025. <http://www.whitmanarchive.org>.
431 Stevens st Camden New JerseySept 2 '76Scribner, Armstrong & Co:Dear Sirs,
I have forwarded you by mail to-day, in compliance with your order of August 9, two copies of Two Rivulets.
The price is $10, which please remit to me here.