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Walt Whitman to R. Spence Watson, 9 September [1876]

I to-day send you by mail, a second set, Two Vols. of my Books. (One set went nine days ago) Please notify me by postal card soon as you receive them.

W Whitman


  • 1.

    This letter's envelope bears the address, "R Spence Watson | 101 Pilgrim Street | Newcastle-on-Tyne | England." It is postmarked: "Camden | Sep | 9 | N.J."

    Watson was apparently one of William Michael Rossetti's friends and among the early English admirers of Leaves of Grass. Whitman had sent a set of books on August 30, 1876. On September 29, 1884, Watson requested an inscribed copy of Leaves of Grass (Commonplace Book, Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman, 1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.).

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