I have yours of the 17th, and also your picture, for which many thanks. It is a fine presentment.
My article has gone to the Tribune with a note to Whitelaw Reid, and we await the
result. I hope, if it appears, you will like it. Of course, you are not in any way
responsible for it, and loc.03042.004_large.jpg this is the position for you to take. Learning the facts, I use
the independent privilege of a friend, and of a citizen, to criticise the offenders.
I alone am responsible.
I composed the article under great affliction, for as the devil would have it, there
were several days of shocking raw weather, followed by five consecutive days of
rain, and I got the influenza, loc.03042.005_large.jpg and was half dead with headache, a racking cough and all the
accompaniments. Nothing therefore was right for composition but the heart. Despite
conditions, Charley Eldridge, who got here from California in time to read what I
have written, and of whose cool-headedness and judgmatical quality I think highly,
considers it the best thing I have done,
loc.03042.006_large.jpg which I hope will prove true. At
all events, if it gets printed, it will be the opening gun in a tremendous
cannonade, and we will have war on the enemy in England at any rate, which is what
will hurt Oliver Stevens and company here.
My object is to smoke the hidden movers in this business out of their holes, and I
kept this in mind through the whole composition. loc.03042.007_large.jpg
Hence, although I knew that
Marston was behind the Boston attorney, I took care not to even mention his name,
but focussed all my fire right upon Oliver Stevens, who, you know, is the only one
that appears officially in the transaction. He will never endure to be exclusively
loc.03042.008_large.jpg in
this way, but will in defence inculpate the State Attorney General. The minute he
brings him forward, I will give them both the devil. In the present article, I have
been very guarded, and have interwoven fury with moderation, but when we get Marston
to the front, there will be augmented
loc.03042.009_large.jpg fire for his hide, and I hope to
make it so intolerable for him, that he will in self-defence peach on the holy
citizens who have egged him on. Then, when we get their names, will be the time for
punishment, memorable and terrible. They shall never be forgotten. The whole gang
shall hang in chains for
loc.03042.010_large.jpg all time.
This must be our object—to discover the history of this persecution—the names of the subterranean movers. You must help me in this all you can. Perhaps Lathrop can discover.
You are quite right in feeling as you do toward Osgood & Co., besides being
magnanimous, but loc.03042.011_large.jpg
it is not for me, nor for anyone else to approve their course, which has simply
been on the lowest plane of huckster prudence. You had grounds against them for an
action for damages. They solicited your book, they knew its character, they agreed
to non-expurgation, and at the first breath of
loc.03042.012_large.jpg trouble, they flunked. It is all
right for you to take such an attitude as you do toward them—for you
personally; but my part, and the part of all your friends, is to whale them. You, of
course, are not responsible.
I have a strong suspicion that when the truth comes to be known, loc.03042.013_large.jpg the Rev. Thomas
Wentworth Higginson will be found behind the State Attorney General as an
instigator. His tone toward you, in the Woman's Journal
article (and the Nation was probably his,) shows extreme
venom. I know him, and know just where he is vulnerable, and will in due time plant
a javelin where it will do him good.
I have seen and loc.03042.014_large.jpg
read twice your article in the N. A. Review. It is splendid, and cannot fail to do
good. I only wish the style was a little clearer. I like better your earlier manner,
so free from sub-clauses, involutions, parentheses—so direct and simple. In
this country, in this age, when the necessity is upon us of addressing the whole
people, and
the college professors or bookmen merely, I set extreme value upon communication. To
be readily apprehended by your auditory is, the truth being yours, the whole
Your position in the Review article is impregnable. Gibraltar is less strong. It only
remains to show the relations of poetic statements to these loc.03042.016_large.jpg didactic truths. With many
excellent people, especially when devoid of imagination, the trouble is to accept a
passional expression, though they are quite willing to accept one simply
descriptive, as in a physiological treatise. We live in a cursed abyss of society.
Everything is sophisticated, everything polluted. To
loc.03042.017_large.jpg a sane man or woman it is simply
monstrous that the august and tender supra-mortal experience of a nuptial night,
cannot be put into living poetry.
—I hope my Tribune letter will appear and be satisfactory to you. It cost me great
pains, as I had to move gingerly and with audacity at the same time. You will see how
I have worked loc.03042.018_large.jpg
Emerson's letter against Stevens like an engine.
You must be careful in what you say of Emerson's position toward your amative
passages. You have often told us that in his talk with you on the Common he had
nothing to say on intrinsic grounds against these passages, but only on commercial
or popular grounds. I remember your telling me that it was the saddest thing you
ever heard that Emerson had loc.03042.019_large.jpg
nothing to urge in all his vehement talk, but that the exclusion
of these passages would make the book sell better. Nor could he have had. These
passages are capable of the most unanswerable vindication on purely intellectual
grounds merely, not to go deeper, and this Emerson knew. In his
loc.03042.020_large.jpg letter to you he
approves them. What else does his panegyric on your "courage of
treatment" mean?—I mention this because I have thought from your way of
mentioning the matter, that the enemy might say that you had allowed that Emerson
was opposed to these passages on moral grounds, which
would be untrue.