I have yours of yesterday, and am happy in the thought that you find my second letter
telling. I think it indicates the line to stick to, and I don't see how Chadwick can
climb over it. The enemy would give much loc.03046.004_large.jpgto be able to break down the
Emerson letter. That is what they will try to do, and my reply to Chadwick will make
it harder than ever for them. When we get them fairly shut up on that point, we will
proceed to further action.
Meanwhile, be careful not to make any unguarded admissions,
loc.03046.005_large.jpgso as to call for defence We must
not be detained on side issues. I burn to resume the thunder and let the levin fly
at Marston. He need not think he is going to escape. At present I am only perplexed
by the problem how to make the other side fight. So far, the affair is too much one
way, and they seem
cowed. O if you only had a publisher! What a chance for advertising is slipping
I am anxious not to be dragged away from the main question into the discussion of
side issues, and am therefore in doubt whether to reply to "Sigma." Of course, it is
a fine chance for the catawampous
chaw, as this bogus "experienced
critic" will find out if I go for him, but it seems too much like being drawn away
from the trail. On the other hand, The Tribune invites my attention to Sigma's
"assertion" about the "disgusting Priapism," which is, of course, a disgusting lie,
and I
loc.03046.008_large.jpgI have to
make up my mind whether the point is worth scoring. I have been talking today with
Professor Loomis who was up at Concord when Emerson's letter was published, and
heard him talk on the subject. He says Emerson's enthusiasm about the book was
loc.03046.009_large.jpgand that
he never said a word, nor assumed any tone, pointing to any discount or
qualification. Emerson's prominent consideration about Leaves of Grass was its absolute newness. He spoke of it as absolutely a new manifestation of literature—a fresh revelation.
Professor Loomis is very
loc.03046.010_large.jpgstrong about the impossibility of Emerson ever having gone back
upon his letter. The tone he took, he says, precluded this. He says that undoubtedly
Emerson was subsequently much annoyed at what the
publication of the letter brought upon him—the swarm of "trippers and
askers" that
surrounded him with demands as to how he could defend such a passage as this, and
what had he to say to such an expression as this, etc, etc., and that he may have
expressed his annoyance, said petulant things, wished you more than once at the
devil, etc.,
this was all, and that he never qualified his original utterance—never! This
is Professor Loomis' view—a distinguished man, a witness—and it has
weight and force at this time.
Thoreau, he said, was equally, or nearly equally, strong in favor of Leaves of Grass,
and so were the other
loc.03046.013_large.jpg Concordians. All this knocks the "disgusting Priapism" assertion
endways. Of course we must expect all sorts of hardy lying, but we must allow
nothing and demand proof of everything alleged.
Another question is as to the genuineness of the Sigma letter. The
editorial shows a desire to put in something as a makeweight, and to seem biased
against me, while admitting my letters and letting me do all the mischief I can, and
Whitelaw Reid's notes to me have a cordial tone which sustains this view. Hence, the
Sigma letter
be got up as a counterpoise. At any rate, it is let in in sham equity. If genuine,
who wrote it? Sigma is the Greek letter S, which might stand for Spofford, the
librarian of Congress, who is unfriendly to you, and a great squirt and jackass
I will decide soon whether to answer this serpentine signature.
Apropos, Professor Loomis says he wrote to you for a copy of your book, which he is
anxious to get. I wish you would let me know the price, as I have enquiries on this
point, and can only suppose
loc.03046.017_large.jpgit is $2, like the Osgood.
I sent John Burroughs one of yesterday's Tribunes, which I hope will reach him.
The day here is bad for heat, and I sit soaked, after a sleepless night, not fit to
write a letter nor anything else. Congratulatory epistles continue to flow. All taffy
so far, except
"Sigma," whose lucubrations make me think of dear old Gurowski's phrase of
objurgation—"Sir, you are an asinine assish ass!" This is too mild, but
nevertheless it faintly describes Sigma.