I have your postal of the 22nd, together with the Press notice. Beautiful! Who is the lady?
After much cogitation, I have judged it prudent to withhold any reply to "Sigma," at
any rate until next week. We will see whether
the Sunday Tribune has anything from anybody.
My aim is to attack Marston, terribly, and I don't want to
be led off into a side show by an anonymunculus, like "Sigma," if I can help it. I
am trying to accumulate materials for the next assault, and have written in
directions, among others to George Chainey. Do you see what the scoundrel postmaster
at Boston, Tobey, has done to him—stopped his lecture on you and your book!1
After stopping the book, they will stop discussion! Here is a text. It will go hard
if I cannot
loc.03047.004_large.jpg make
such a cloud belch thunder.
I have written to Chainey for full particulars.
Don't forget to tell me the price of your book when you write next. Did you send one to Professor Loomis?
Goodbye Faithfully W. D. O'Connor. Mr. Walt Whitman.