'Rah! I have yours of yesterday. It is just delightful to know you have a
publisher, or rather publishers, though I have felt sure from the turn things have
taken within two or
three days, that you will not want for publication. I am sure
there is going to be a big row.
Rees, Welsh & Co. promise well. Only be sure your contracts are in form. Will it
be advisable to have a long contract? You may have a better offer yet.
I hope Rees,
Welsh & Co only have life. If they take advantage of the present uproar, and
advertise you on the crest of this wave, they may secure a great sale. A publisher
with money, ardently believing in your book, "fresh, vehement and true," as Thomas
Davis says the
Irish guard were at Fontenoy, devoted to your interest, and on the qui vive to turn everything to swell the fame of his
venture, might effect a sale which would be tremendous.
I am delighted at your prospect.
I earnestly hope
they will print Bucke's book also. It will help. I wrote for him, in a whirl of
bitter work and many cares, a long helter-skelter sort of an introduction, for my old
pamphlet, which he was to print as an appendix. He thought my prolegomena good,
and I was sorry I
could not make it better, but if Rees, Welsh & Co. publish his book, I will
strive to refurbish my contribution and make it better.
Dr. Channing wrote me from Providence a fortnight ago, in great indignation at
what had been
done to you, and proposed to reprint "The Good Gray Poet" in Boston at his expense.
I explained (did I tell you this?) that I had promised the republication to Bucke
and could not in honor take it away from him. Besides, I felt it would not be as
timely as I could wish. The thing
for a pamphlet will be my letters
upon Oliver Stevens and company, when we get to a stopping point, which will be some
time during the summer. I propose to print them under the caption, "The Suppression
of Leaves of Grass," and they will make a good tender or pilot-fish to your
After long cogitation, I have concluded, from internal evidence, and feel that I can't
be mistaken, that "Sigma" is simply Stoddard, and I am going to answer him now and
give him hell. The way I shall manage it, I think you will approve.
The rationale
of his infamous communication, is to give a
basis through the vilest calumniation, to the tottering action of Oliver Stevens
and Marston. I mean to point out this fact, and exterminate his effort, announcing
that I do so simply as preliminary
to the arraignment of Marston, who
has thus far escaped scourging, but shall presently know the meaning of the word
knout. Then I shall go for Marston.
Also Tobey, the Boston postmaster. He shall have
a sample of the Day of Judgment. When I heard that George
Chainey's lecture on you had been
suppressed, I at once wrote to him and got the facts by telegraph. Then I went to
see Col. Ingersoll, and we had a red-hot time over the outrage, and arranged for a
session with the Postmaster General on the subject. Today, we have seen him, and
Ingersoll was magnificent. The Postmaster had, however,
heard nothing of the matter (you
will understand this chenanigan when you read the accompanying copy of a letter I
have just received from Chainey) and said Chainey must write him a letter. So we
telegraph to Chainey accordingly, and this afternoon Ingersoll
will concoct a
letter to the P.M. General, with my assistance, and we will put in a copy of
this letter of Chainey's. I think we can manage Howe, which will score heavily for
us in the game.
I'll keep you posted. Pretty soon, I will have a petition started in Boston for the
loc.03048.017_large.jpgremoval of
Tobey; also Marston and Stevens. This will make Rome howl. Even if we can't effect
the ruin of these scoundrels, it will make a prodigious uproar to roll up several
thousand signatures against their retention, and meanwhile I will subject them to
loc.03048.018_large.jpgnoble art of
composition, and my pen will blacken them forever.
Depend upon it, we are going to have music. I hope I shall see everything the press has. I saw the Boston Sunday Herald, with your rendition poem printed with splendid effect. Shall watch the Boston papers. Charley was going up to Boston, and would have made me an exhaustive report on the roots of the matter, but unluckily has been ordered to Memphis. Too bad!
Good bye. W. D. O'C.