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Walt Whitman to Frederick Locker-Lampson, 28 September [1880]


I have been spendin the whole summer in Canada, mostly on the Lakes & St Lawrence river—have had a good time—& it has done me good—have leisurely traveled over 3000 miles land & water—now on my way home to Camden New Jersey, my permanent address—Am now pretty well for a half-paralytic, better than for some years2

Walt Whitman  loc.03252.001_large.jpg


  • 1. This postal card is addressed: Frederick Locker | 25 Chesham Street | London S W | England. It is postmarked: Hamilton | Sp 28 | 80 | Canada. [back]
  • 2. Locker-Lampson noted receipt of Whitman's post card on October 13 (Thomas Donaldson, Walt Whitman the Man [New York: Francis P. Harper, 1896], 237). In January 1881, Whitman sent copies of his article in The North American Review, "The Poetry of the Future" (see Whitman's letter to Harry Stafford of January 2, 1881), one of which was to be forwarded to Tennyson. Locker-Lampson acknowledged the gift on January 31. [back]
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