Today I have had a note from Ruskin.2 This is a copy:—
'London 3rd April
Dear Riley
Your letter was sent on here. I am very glad to know that I can give some pleasure to such a man. I will write to him directly. Send the book to Brantwood' [His residence in the 'lake district'] 'All you tell me is more frightful than I care to write of.
Ever very Gratefully Yrs
J. Ruskin'
You will require a little explanation respecting some parts of the note. When I wrote and told him the book had come, I also told him that you had been dismissed from office in Washington, and that the American publishers will not publish your works. This intense stupidity of the publishers is, I think, the 'frightful' fact of all. I was amazed when I read of the fact. The 'pleasure'
I think is the greeting he can give you. He is the most eminent judge of Scripture and painting in Europe, and his stamp upon any work is regarded as being as infallible as the 'Goldsmith's Hall' stamp on British gold ware.3
He has no 'publisher,' though he could choose among the whole lot in England. His works are published by an old servant, and the price of his books is
the same to a 'retail' as to a 'wholesale' buyer—I mean that there is no discount.
(I am writing very hastily, as I must go out and dig again as soon as possible, as the weather is favourable, and the 'season' is late.)
I can do little, but something must be done, whilst you are living, to increase the knowledge of your works.
Soon I also must have some photographs, and I think there is no one who
so nearly worships you as I do, and nobody who would more willingly stick by you as long as we live.
The papers I should have sent, were not sent. Perhaps they will be sent to-day. (They are merely to show you the sort of writings I have penned.)
I hope you will be as glad as I am that Ruskin can see, and has seen your meaning.
He is a stern critic, and as honest as God—or a tree.
Loving you for your human nature, and reverencing your divine nature.
I remain yours Faithfully William Harrison Riley.