we recieved your wellcome Letter last evenigng & was glad to hear from you & to know that you are well & happy with your friends in the City.1 we are all well as usual I have just returned home from Red Bank where I w[damage]illed to se of my Dear Mother who is at this time to all appearences near Death to day when I left her I felt that it would be the last time that I should se her alive. Dear frend you can judge of my feelings better than I cn discribe them. we shall look fore you down with us Teusday but please do not think of
going back in one day I shoul not get
go to se you at all
surely you can give us more Than one day from your friends I know they can make you more comefortable than we can but they do not care fore you more than we [damage]tions
ever your friend S M. Stafford