I still keep around & have been over to Philadelphia this afternoon for three
hours, the day has been so fine & bright, (but I am weak & half-sick
yet)—over in Phila: I ride in the new Market st. coaches, the Herdies (they start from the
ferry door, & I buy 25 tickets for a dollar)—I was on Arch and Chestnut
streets—such crowds—oceans of women, drest to kill—I like to walk along & look in the windows, every kind
of loc_jc.00500_large.jpgarticle you
can think of, & many you never thought of—always something new &
interesting—then I have a friend cor: 7th & Chestnut, Col: Forney's office, a nice big old fashioned
room—he keeps a great ratan easy chair for me, by a bay-window, & I always stop there to rest,
& read the news—How are you all getting along?—We are at the beginning of
another spring, & I want to come down soon—The chicken was first
rate—it made me several good meals—(I expected to pay for it, &
expect to yet)—the strawberries good—they tasted like Glendale—as
I close it is 9 oclock & a lot of darkies are going along singing an old
southern slave hymn