I suppose Harry has written to you2—still I will send you this, for good measure—What H speaks of the "unearthly noises" &c. he will get used to in two or three days—it is like living near a railroad—
—I am well as usual—
WWI arrived here safely Saturday evening 6th. Have had quite a good time so far. Came direct to the asylum. Went on duty as turnkey Monday morning but will not remain here over six weeks or two months as the occupation is not pleasant. Cannot sleep at night there are so many unearthly noises and besides I want to get a position where I can make better wages. And as you know I am of a nervous temperament and the least scene shocks me.
I want to go to Detroit Mic , after I leave here; from there to Chicago, and want you to give me a letter to any business man you know there. Your recommendation has been the means of making me some good friends and I am shure with your letter, I can get something good in either of the cities. If you are not personally acquainted there give me letter to some of the newspaper men. It will carry lots of weight. You know how I have started. I want to make a lot somewhere. If I could only get in a telegraph office I would be one of the happiest fellows you ever saw.
Don't have any privilege here, not even time to write. I am up in my little room
writing this while my patients are sadly pacing up and down the hall. Have 42 men in my charge. Will
have to close for the present so good-bye. Please don't forget that
your boy is away among strangers and a good long letter from his dear friend will do
him good.
P.S. Don't forget to write soon and send the letters