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Elmer E. Stafford to Walt Whitman, 11 January 1878

 loc_jc.00373_large.jpg Dear Walt.

I am very sorry that i aint wrote sooner, but it seems to me I aint had time.1 I have received my bible and I think a grate​ eal​ of it I think it is very nice indeed.

I am very well and hope you the same I would be very glad to see you. I balieve​ there is no new news, it is now about 10 o'clock. the weather is cloudy and rainy. I went to haddonfield school a little wile​ but i have quit and I do not go any more now I am at home


I wanted to go to the city but pop thinks I had better go to haddonfield

I think I will come down next week if i can, I must end my letter so it is good by my Dear Friend.

Elmer E. Stafford Glendale Camden Co. New Jersey letter from Elmer | Jan 11 '78


  • 1. Elmer E. Stafford (1861–1957) was Harry Stafford's cousin (see Daybooks and Notebooks, ed. William White [New York: New York University Press, 1978], 1:76 n232). [back]
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