[damage] Friday, of course I could not do it,2 but I was very sorry when I learned that you wer not coming down Saturday as you predicted when you went away, but we have not been lonely, for we have had the Englishman with us ever since your departure; he has also taken his departure to day, for Egg Harbor,3 I believe, he is counting on having you with him through the fall months or at least he said he was. [damage] I rather
think the mosquetos are too thick for me down there.
Mont4 and I went to "turkey" camp Sunday [damage] the [damage] with the [damage] four times and got all the money they wanted and then they would not shout, dont you think that they wer awful mean? I do, I saw one of them today, and he asked me if I was coming any more, and I told him that I hat went my last time, and he asked me how it was and pretty darn quick told him, he said it was rather mean but "de broders did not get de [damage] might, I said [damage]
in dar pocket didn't they? and he said yes. They are darned humbugs, and ought [damage] to [damage] folks are. [damage] is trying to crawl back to me now but he can't do it he has "cooked his goose" with me now.
I like working at the office very well. It has given me such an awful apetite that Mother says that I will eat her out of house and home, if I keep on, that is a good sign isn't it?
The folks are all well and myself [damage] in [damage] like
a thrashing—[damage] Mother is down stairs, talking [damage] dad's [damage] the old [damage] June bugs—dad's been to town to day and—bought himself a new suit of clothes.
Well as this is the second letter I have writtene this evening and I am run out of news, I will have to stop.
Your Loveing Friend, H.L. StaffordP.S. Write soon and lit me know how you are
yours &c H.L.S.