I thought I would write a few lines to you and let you know how I am. I cannot get you off my mind somehow. I heard something that made me feel bad, and I saw that you did not want to bid me good bye when you went away yesterday. I will tell you what it was. I heard that you was going to Washington and stay and be gon fore some time, is it so? I thought it was very strange in you, in not saying
anything to me about it. I think of it all the time, I cannot get my mind on my work the best I can do. I should like to come up to Camden next week, and stay all night with you if I could, but I suppose I can not do it. I wish you would write to me soon and let me know how you are. Things are verry dull down here to day, there isn't any Excursion to day and It is quiet and I don't like it very well. There was an Excursion here
yesterday, it was given by a rich man of Philadel. to the poor children of the ward in which he lived, there was over 200 on it. They appeared to enjoy it verry well. I was up there in the afternoon a little while. Mother2 got home all safe last night, she was home when I got there. Perhaps I will be up Wednesday night in the 6 train, I will if I can, if I do I will have to come back on the Earley train in the morning so I will be in time to help Mr.
Sharp load the car's . I am sitting by the window and the flys are almost eating me up. We have been trying to kill them but seems to me the more we kill of them the more we have. Mr. Sharp got out of patience in trying so he took the poison out this morning. I have got to scrub the office out this afternoon, so you can imagin me down on the floor. Good bie write if it pleases you.