I have said that I would not write to you any more (until you wrote to me), but I have got some more of my troubles to tell you:1 [damage] there. [damage] one [damage] But I have some—[damage] I would like [illegible] you to know: it is this, last Monday
morning [damage] Lucas2 stoped me as I was coming from the pond with a pail of watter (on my way to the Station) and asked me how I would like to come over to his office and help the boys with the books and do the letters myself. I said I [damage] like to come and he talked [damage] asked me several questions which I answered to suit him and then he asked me to come over during the day and he would talk farther
[damage] the subject, so when I got there he said that he would give me $50 for one year and board myselfe in the meantime he went away and left me with the boys, so when I came away they asked me if I would come back [damage] that I would see Mr. Lucas at the [damage] in the morning and give him [damage] my answer was no, of corse , I told him that I could not work for any less than
my board he did not think I could earn that I guess for he left me and went home. The result was this he refuses to let me practice in his line. What do you think of [damage]a rich man [damage] rough [damage] it. I will explain the mater more particularly to you when I see you. The folks are all well and all wish to see you very much.
Excuse writing for I am in a hurry.
Your affectionate son, Harry Stafford