I received the rubarb to-day, it came just in time:1 I have been sick for some time past, I took a dose of it as soon as I got it [damage] I was [damage] when [damage] and [damage] told [damage] on [damage] I look [damage] I did [damage] perhaps [damage] were complaining [damage] up there.
Mr. Whitman, I want to ask
[damage] don't want
[damage] at me, it is
this—do you think if I study and write all the spare time I have that in the corse of two or three years I would be able to be an editor? I have been thinking for about two months that I would like to be something, and I [damage] that than [damage] tryed to [damage] it, [damage] my [damage] time [damage] only of [damage] you to think [damage] what I have said and tell me what conclusion you have come to when
I see you [damage] work to-gather [damage] have become settled, and our love sure (although we have had very many rough times to-gather ) but we have stuck too each other so far, and we will until we die, I know.
I was down to see [damage] Friday [damage] him, as [damage]ined [damage] would [damage] and I [damage] out finding [damage]
Mother2 is very sick and has been ever since I came home, she
was taken sick that day I was up there. Father is well as usual: he was to market today with potatoes.
We are having a fine rain to-night down here, it hasn't come too soon either things were kneeding [damage] will make [damage]
[damage] time [damage] so [damage] me [damage] improve my [damage] more.
Well I have to close as the paper is given out.
Your loving son, H.L. StaffordP.S. write soon and oblige yours.