as I have thought of you almost constantly since I came home I thought I would write a few lines to you to let you know that I am feeling pretty well, and sinceerly hope that you are the same.1
Mother2 [damage] day, [damage] been [damage] she [damage] City before [damage] if she should [damage] no doubt but that she will stop in to see you on her
her [damage]. Things are about as they were when you was down here, (any more than we have had a fearful storme of wind and sand). The wind blew so hard last Sunday night, that it almost upset me when I was comeing home, "for I was out then, as usual." Father and all are well: "John" the 'darkey man' is here yet: [damage] and George have their fun [damage] has been [damage] the [damage] has been [damage] about drinking it to [damage] his skin white; it rather gets to him, but he takes it all in good
part: he asked Van3 [damage] other day, wheather the first man on earth was black or white, and Van told him the first man was white, and then John asked him where the black man came from, and Van told hime that a black man was a monkey with his tail cut off, so he gave up talking to him and whent on with Georg .
There is quite [damage] in the music since [damage] the wind is [damage] "Age of [damage] wish you [damage], I have been going [damage] for it for sometime but haven't thought of it before.
I have been thinking of the suit of cloths which I am to have like yours: I have had myself all pictured out with a suit of gray, and a white slouch hat on about fifty times, since you spoke of it; the fellows will call me Walt then. I will have to do something great and good in honor of the name. What will it be? [damage] have to close, [damage] out [damage] at [damage] Friday [damage]
Yours truly Harry StaffordPS. write soon and let know how you are Yours H.S.