I am here seeing to the setting up & stereotyping of my book in a big printing office, (Rand & Avery.)2—Every thing goes satisfactory enough, so far. I suppose you rec'd the paper (or papers?) I sent—they will give you some acc't of two or three little happenings in my jaunt—I was down on Long Island at the spot where I was born & where I had spent my summers in youth from time to time—went around to all the old places I hadn't seen before for 40 years—seems to me now the most beautiful region on earth—Dr Bucke was with me & he thought so too—Before I went there, I was at Rockaway (L I ) & at Long Branch (N J)—The last two weeks I have been in N Y City—So you see I have been the rounds—I am pretty well—& have been so—
I shall probably stay here a month or more—Dear boy I wish you would write to me a good long letter & tell me all the news, especially about yourself. Direct to me care of Osgood & Co: 211 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass: and I shall get it. I have not been much about Boston this time, but it is a lively place to be in—the streets all crumpled up, short, and more corners & angles than any thing else, but clean & handsome—this forenoon I have been some time on the Common (an old Park of 60 or 70 acres right in the midst of the city with lots of fine very old trees)—I am now writing this in Osgood's place in Boston (they are the publishers of my book)—How are you & all getting along?—I wish you to give my love to your father & mother—Debbie & Jo Ed, Mont, & Van—Ruth & little George—& tell them I remember the good times I have had, past summers—& show this letter to them, if they wish—
It is now nearly 1, & I must go off to my dinner—God bless you dear boy & farewell for this time—I shall write again before long—
Your old Walt