I have had a sick week—two days pretty bad—last Sunday night had a strange chill, rattled me for two hours lively—one or two since but milder—the doctor thinks my system has got all chilled through—havnt been out for a week till this evening, went to the post office—am feeling better to-day, but weak—
How are you all? Was glad to have a call from Debbie & your neice Lizzie—So Lizzie Hider and Wes are to be married soon2—well if it is to come off at all the sooner the better & I hope it will turn out a happy marriage,—should say there was the best reason to expect it to, for both have estimable qualities & I dont see how a woman can help loving the good man she lives with as a wife—Best love to Harry, I got his good letter & will answer it soon—love to George & all
W WSend me a chicken when you have a chance