I received your Book on the war1 with many many thank.2 I dont know how I can thank you for your kindness towards me. Can only say that I will allways entertain the highest regard and esteem for you. The Book is a beautiful specimen and very entertaining to our family and many [damage] would like very much to [damage] it with you at Camden. I enjoyed my visit so much I would [damage] to go to Camden often. Mother and Father are sorry they did not get to see you. I was born the first year of the war so I dont know very much about in your book is about the first book I have read about the war.
loc.02111.008_large.jpg[damage] having quite a temperance agitation in our Neighborhood there was 250 signed the Pledge but I cannot tell how long they will keep it I hope our present Goverenor will be our next President. if the Democrats get up a muss I am ready to sholder my musket I have read some of your book since I got it and [damage] it very interesting. I wrote [damage] some time ago to Aunt Jennie [damage] not knowing her address I first put it in care of John Johnston3 [illegible] Street I did not [damage] number. I am very busy now I go to day school 5 days of a week at a Bookkeeping school [damage] in one week so I havent [damage] time to write. I am [damage]ing what to say to make a [damage] letter but I dont think I [damage] make it. We had quite a snow storm this morning loc.02111.009_large.jpg for a short time. I suppose it is to cold for you to go to Johnstons and I will have to close in order to [damage] this in the mail. So goodbye. Give our respects to all the Johnstons and save a good many for yourself. Give my respects to Frank Post Please accept my sincere thanks for the present you sent me.
From your most a[damage] Thomas B. F[damage] loc.02111.010_large.jpg