By the time you get this, I suppose you will have received "The Book of Eden," which I have ordered for you from the publishing house.1 I think you will find some things in it that will interest you.
I have heard nothing
loc_vm.00686_large.jpgfrom the projected bust of you, for a long while. The last time I saw it, nearly a year ago, it had quite lost headway. I hope, however, that Morse2 will take a new departure, & finally succeed.
I see that somebody has stepped forward to "defend" you (in a mild way) in the Contributors' Club of the last Atlantic. I am astonished that
loc_vm.00687_large.jpgthese latter-day critics should have so little to say of the first "Leaves of Grass," or venture to speak of them only apologetically. They still stand to me as the most powerful prophetic utterances in modern literature.
I have now two dear little girls, and we are all pretty well. I trust you are comfortable.
J. T. Trowbridge.