Your nice letter came all right, & I was glad to hear from you, & the news around there—I put in quite a busy day yesterday—in the forenoon, 9 to 10, went to the funeral of a valued friend of mine—then had three visitors made long calls during the day—I was glad to see them all—one from Boston, I had long wanted to see— loc_gt.00002_large.jpgthen middle of the afternoon went to the polls to vote, (election day here yesterday)—and went over to Philadelphia on a jaunt & visit from 4 to 6½—But today it is raining & blowing at a great rate, & I am staying in writing,—give my love to your father & mother—I am sorry to hear by your letter she is not very well—I hope you fly around & spare her as much as possible in the work—I shall be down Friday in the 4½ afternoon train to Kirkwood if it dont storm
Your friend Walt Whitman