So you are back again—I heard that your folks had sent for you—How did you like New York & your trip & every thing? I got your letter & was glad to get it—write to me again if you feel like it—I saw Bill Engle & he told me they had sent for you, & that Ed was up here in Camden in a store—(I have not seen Ed yet)—Van I send you a paper—read that story "the boy from Xenia"—it is very good—in fact there is lots of good reading in the little paper—I know you do not care much for reading, but I wish you would read more—read this paper I send any how
I have had a good deal of trouble in business lately, but I guess it is going to be all right—I am not altogether out of the woods, but near it surely—I keep about as usual in health—I got a paper from Herbert—one of his pictures has taken a big prize, a gold medal—(probably he has wrote your folks all about it though)—A big fire up here last night, the Narrow Gauge Engine House & Depot, five engines burnt, bad luck—
—Van, show this letter to your father and mother—my love to you, boy, & to all the rest, every one—I want to come down before long—Ruth, have you got a chicken ready? I will send you word—I dream'd night before last I was down by the old pond a long while—the old tulip tree was coverd with blossoms & the bees humming—
Walt Whitman