I hope the name subscribed hereto is not altogether forgotten by you; although when you were here we met but rarely, and since your change of residence we have not met at all.
I remember as though it were yesterday the first time I met you and the audacity with
which I stopped you on Pennsylvania Avenue and introduced myself to you. loc_vm.02420_large.jpgI realize now more
than I did then that it was audacity. But in my little intellectual life "Leaves of
Grass" had been so much to me that I could not meet and pass you without saying
something to you.
It has long been a thought of mine that there ought to be a volume of selections from
your works put before the public. I have often thought that many who know nothing of
your writings and who have perhaps have been kept by popular criticism from reading
your complete works, would, if they once caught a glimpse of the beauty and strength
found there, read more extensively loc_vm.02421_large.jpgto their own pleasure and
advancement and your profit.
Three or four years ago I spent an evening with
two gentlemen friends of mine, and the conversation turning upon your works, a copy of
which was upon the table beside me, I spoke somewhat at length in your favor reading
extracts hastily selected from the volume at hand. The circumstance passed from my
mind but a few days since one of the gentlemen referred to the occurrence saying he
should never forget that evening as it was the beginning of his acquaintance with
your writings from which he has since derived great pleasure loc_vm.02422_large.jpgThis incident has suggested that
perhaps I could prepare a volume of selections from your poems which would supply
what I have felt to be a need and which would be acceptable to the public. I,
therefore, have written this note to ask your permission to put such a volume of
selections before the public in some graceful form to come out in time for the holy
A gentleman of literary tastes Mr. C. C. Adams, now of New York but formerly connected with
the Treasury Department here will join me in this work. We propose that the entire
proceeds from the sale of the book shall be yours as long as you live, stipulating
only that in case of your death (which we pray loc_vm.02423_large.jpgmay long be deferred) the profits
thereafter arising shall come to us.
If you sanction our project it will be a work of love and gratitude and we shall labor to make you friends who shall so love you that they shall want to know more of you and to read you further.
We do not propose an extensive work, nothing like an emasculated or expurgated edition of your poems, but we intend to cull detached thoughts and pictures for others, and our object will be to do the work before us in such a manner as only to enhance a fuller reading.
I hope our proposition loc_vm.02424_large.jpgwill meet with your approval. We know that there are many more
competent to discharge the work we would like to accomplish but there are none who
would labor more reverently and lovingly to win you friends and lovers than we.
Wishing you health, comfort and friends in your remaining years.
I am very truly your friend & admirer G.H. Whitaker Address. US Patent Office Washington D.C.