your copy of Poems is at hand in good condition, with your Note of the 15th Inst.
In complyance I enclose and mail to your addres a Post order for three dollars.
Now Sir; as I have purchased a copy of your Poems, will you please inform me by return mail how far you can trace back your genealogy. I have a pamphlet which goes back eight generations to the first Whitman that came from England to America.
Mr Farnam of New Haven is now getting up a more general and complete one
I had an Uncle John (a [illegible]) who lived in New York. (Levi and Elinor) who lived in Massachusetts, and Josiah, who died in Michigan over 90 years old, leaving several sons.
When I hear of one bearing the name it is always gratifying to me to know which branch they descended from.
Yours truly H. N. Whitman