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Walt Whitman to Joseph M. Stoddart, 6 March 1883

 loc_gt.00163_large.jpg My dear Stoddart

I have rec'd​ your letter enclosing Mr Kelly's2—Why yes I can give Mr K the sitting or two he desires—If he could come on here any time within the next two weeks, I would sit either in the forenoon say 10 to 12—or afternoon say 2 to 4—wish him to send me word a day or two beforehand.

Walt Whitman  loc_gt.00164_large.jpg  loc_gt.00165_large.jpg  loc_gt.00166_large.jpg


  • 1. This letter is addressed: J M Stoddart | 1018 Chestnut Street | Philadelphia. It is postmarked: Camden | Mar | 6 | 5 PM | N.J. [back]
  • 2. James Edward Kelly (1855–1933) was a sculptor and illustrator from New York, who was best known for depicting the events of the American Civil War. He worked as an illustrator for numerous magazines, including Harper's Monthly. [back]
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