Your letter of May [damage] from Kirkwood was duly recd but as I dislike writing letters, & have been pretty busy I hope you will pardon my delay.1
I believe I told you in my last letter of my intention to become, if possible, an engineer,
My intention still holds good, but despite all my efforts, I have failed to obtain a situation
I suppose the trouble lies in my not being
acquainted with men of that class, so for the present I will have to take things as they come.
I was in N.Y. the first of the week & saw Uncle Geo.—he is working off & on, for Uncle John, & the Ryers.
I hope you will still be able to mak that long expected visit.
If you are able to come this fall I will meet you, in N.Y. at any time
We are all well, & things go on about as usual, with the exception that times seem to get worse & worse.
Your loving friend, Walt [damage]