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Unidentified Correspondent to Walt Whitman, 5 September 1885

 loc_gk.01172_large.jpg Dear Mr Whitman:—

Please do not forget that are to give me a synopsis of your forthcoming work. If you give me the material, [cut away] will be the [cut away]2



  • 1. The left side of the Grand Union Hotel letterhead reads: "[PASSENGERS] arriving in the city [of New York] via Grand Central [Depot, save] $3 Carriage Hire and [Transfer of] Baggage by stopping [at] the Grand Union Hotel, opposite said depot. Passengers arriving by West Shore Rail Road, via Weehawken Ferry, by taking the 42d street Horse Cars at Ferry entrance, reach Grand Union Hotel in ten minutes for 5 cents, and save $3 Carriage Hire." The right side reads: "600 Elegant Rooms, $1 and upwards per day. European Plan. Elevators, Restaurant, Café, Lunch and Wine Rooms, supplied with the best. Prices moderate. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union than at any other strictly first class hotel in the city. Guests' Baggage delivered to and from Grand Central Depot, free." Missing text, indicated in brackets, has been supplied from a hotel circular published on Making of America Books. [back]
  • 2. The rest of this letter has been torn away. Whitman crossed out the letter and wrote a series of notes on the back. [back]
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