You see I am now back in my own country.1 I had no idea that I
would be so soon. I am staying, with my wife (I have been married about 18 months)
at my father's house. We shall be here for some months now. There is great
excitement in the country, but I think no likelihood of any serious disturbances.
The people know the strength of England too well. I think the Land League2 is slowly losing its influence here, and it deserves to.
There never was an agitation conducted towards a more useful end or by worse means
than this. From the very beginning the leaders of the people encouraged them to
maintain loc_af.00988_large.jpg their
organization by secret outrage and personal intimidation. There is not the slightest
doubt that this was so. Their words may not have been arraignable by law, (though in
many cases they were so) but they were such as their hearers could give but one
interpretation to. "If a man takes a farm from which another has been evicted" says
Mr. Dillon, "I don't think his cattle will prosper very much."3 And they don't, for in hundreds of cases these cattle
have had wooden balls struck over with nails administered to them, have been driven
over precipices, hamstrung, their eyes picked out. There is little violence just
now, because the Land League is so all-powerful, and murder or violence is so
certain to follow a breach of its rules, that no one ventures to transgress them.
The speakers have in general terms condemned assassination in the sort of language
which one would use to reprove excessive zeal, but they have never interfered
loc_af.00989_large.jpg by word or deed
to prevent any individual crime which was known to be intended, or condemned with
energy any individual murder. There are 150 persons now whose lives would not be
safe for one hour but for police protection, and no Land Leaguer will say one word
to save them. I entirely agree with them in thinking that it is allowable of the
tenants to repudiate unjust rents, and I would have thrown myself heart and soul
into this movement if it were not founded upon crime of the most degrading and
brutal kind. But as it is, I must say I think the Government are quite justified in
bringing in their Protection Bill,4 & the League has
itself to blame for making that Bill necessary. I think too that once it receives a
straight and severe blow its tyranny will be utterly broken, for it has largely
ruled by terror and I do not believe that it has endeared itself to the people.
Scribner has not taken 'Calvin Harlowe.'5 They might have
done so if they had read it, but I suppose they don't read all the poetry they
receive. Well for them, no doubt. You did loc_af.00990_large.jpgnot say anything about my
translation of Epictetus which I sent you. I should like to know how you liked it. I
am writing a preface for it now & will try then & find a publisher. I read news
of the States with great interest. General Garfield seems a very good sort of man.
What a puzzling question that is about the Chinese.6 I
don't think it will get solved by any laws or treaties. I see your expected essay on
the English poets of this century has never appeared.7
Was the announcement a mistake?
Will you kindly send me a copy of the last edition of the "Leaves of Grass." I want it as a present for a friend, so don't write my name in the beginning.8 Indeed the friend is my wife—so on second thoughts I would be glad, & so would she, if you would write 'Edith Rolleston' in it. I'll send the 5 dollars as soon as I can get into some town. Please send to this address.
Yours always T W H Rolleston