I write in haste1 to say that Lee has suddenly left Dresden, having received an unexpected appointment in England. So if your letter did not catch him before he left (last Tuesday) it is probably on its way back to you, as I hear he did not leave any address here. If you put it into a new envelope and address
J. F. Lee care of Anthony Traill, F.T.C.D. Trinity College Dublinit will reach him. Or I could send it on as soon as I know his address, which must be shortly. He did not know where he would be for a couple of weeks, & meant letters to be kept here at the place he was staying at, until he wrote for them, but they mistook, and tell me they had them sent back to the senders. I have nothing more to tell you about loc_af.01018_large.jpg the translation, except that I am working away at it, find it difficult but not invincible. I have not the pen of a ready writer, and it will probably be a good time before the work can appear. But when it does I think it will satisfy you—At any rate you may rely upon it th[at] it shall be no emasculated version which I shall present to the German world.—I go on the principle of rigid literality, to the utmost extent reconcilable with making any representative sense. I think I can publish some bits of it now and then in a German weekly newspaper, the 'Gegenwart,' which has opened its columns to me before,2 & so gradually prepare the German mind for the shock it is going to have!
Lee's translation will probably be postponed, owing to the change in his plans. But I think he will carry it through. He is mediating going in for a Professorship loc_af.01019_large.jpg of Slav languages in Dublin, (after a time) and thinks the translation would help him towards that end, as no doubt it would.
I got your card about the Encheiridion and the newspaper you kindly sent. There are always being reports in English papers about your coming to England soon. Is there any fact in them at all? I hope your new edn is doing well.3 I have just despatched a copy to a friend who is schoolmastering at the Cape.4—
I feel greatly the confidence you put in me about this translation. Nothing shall be spared to bring it through well.
Yours always W. Rolleston. loc_af.01019_large.jpg