Your note rec'd 2—I send you at a venture the earliest data & facts, so you can keep posted, & make whatever mention, if any, accurately—but would rather not myself only my name appear as furnishing anything, or giving authority for the statement—only whatever I send you I vouch for
There is a little nest of most malignant enemies to me personally & to
L of G.
in Boston (and in New York also) who are determined to press this matter to an
extreme. The P M in Boston has lately been captured by them. I hear that a formal
demand has been made on the P M General at Wash'n to exclude L of G from the mails under the Comstock "obscene" law, &
that it is now before that officer—perhaps has been already decided.
In connection let me state that I am putting a new book in type, my Prose Works, called Specimen Days, & Collect,
about 380 pages—gives a lot of random typical days, diary fashion, during my
life—& then swoops pell mell my past literary papers, essays &c. in the
Collect, (like fish in a net)—is to be a companion
Vol to my Poems—Is to be pub. by Rees Welsh & Co: 23 South 9th st.
Phila , who are also to be the
publishers henceforth of L of G, which they will
put freely in the market in ten or twelve days—exactly as squelched in
Boston,—(a $2 vol. same as the late Osgood ed'n .)—My friends in this conjuncture—(I consider you one of them, you blew the first blast, as clear
& loud as ever trumpet pealed)—are, among others, Wm D O'Connor, Life-Saving Service Bureau, Washington
Dr R M Bucke, London, Ontario, Canada, The Springfield
Republican—Cambridge Chronicle—Sylvester Baxter on the Boston