Your copy came duly to hand, and we have considered the
matter, and should be glad to publish the book, provided we can meet your views as to terms. Our
proposition would be to assume all the risk and pay you the usual royalty of ten per
cent of the retail price on all copies sold. The question of retail price is one
that needs thought. It seems to us that the price you name ($3.00) is possibly
rather high. Perhaps $2.00 or $2.50 would yield a better return to both you and us.
But this point we can settle loc_nk.00279_large.jpg later. Kindly let me know if the terms we offer are agreeable to
you. I should like to hear at once, as I expect to sail for Europe next week, and
should be glad to know before going, both that we may make our plans for the book
here, and that I may see what can be done abroad. Tell me what your views are about
the English sale. My notion would be that we should sell an Edition there, if
possible, printed here from our own plates and subject to your royalty. Will this
suit you?
We should like to feel clear that you can control the old Thayer & Eldrige loc_nk.00280_large.jpg plates, so as to stop the issue of any books printed from them.
As you suggest we return by express to-day the copy, and in the same parcel we send a volume entitled "Our Poetical Favorites" which shows the style of type we should propose adopting. This book sells for $2.00 retail: we might, however, give more margin and increase the price. The binding of this volume is perhaps more ornamental than you would wish, but that is a question of detail quite apart from the other questions.
Please let me hear from you by early mail that we loc_nk.00281_large.jpg may lose no time in coming to a