We have your letter of 12th inst. together with the steel plate. We have had a proof made of the latter and find it very much worn. It will cost $15. or $20. to put it into a condition suitable to use. We should have no objection to buying it provided it were put in order. We think however there ought also to be in the book another plate—a portrait of yourself as now. We shall be glad to have a conference with you on this point.
As to the form of contract sent you, we sent it because
loc_nk.00331_large.jpg it was our usual form and in
pursuance of our usual custom. We do not care about it in that form; your letter is
sufficient guarantee of your wishes & intentions. But we think it would be wise
to have a specific time settled for the contract to continue, and beyond that to let
it be terminable by either party on certain conditions.