The pressure caused by Mr. J.R. Osgood's departure, has delayed reply to you somewhat; I will try however now to answer yours in full, and shall be glad at any time to wait upon you personally, if you decide to come to Boston about the book.
We have put in hand for sample, a long pr . & a Bourg page, both solid, of the size you name. We fear however they will be
pretty fine & close for so wide a page, making hard reading, and perhaps taking
up too fast. However loc_nk.00303_large.jpg the samples will show: we will send them as soon as set.
We note what you say about the style, &c., of binding.
Your new copyright will cover only new matter and revisions, you will want to retain also the old entries for the rest.
Similarly an English copy, which we believe, (Mr. O. will verify this abroad), can be secured by visiting Canada, will cover only what is new, and the rest only indirectly, by the total book being the only complete and revised one.
You know, I believe, Mr. O's London address.
We like the phototype very much, should be quite inclined to use it, and perhaps also
the loc_nk.00304_large.jpg first, steel,
portrait. But these can be decided on later.