June 10th
29 Lange Strasse
My dear Whitman1
I learn to day to my great surprise that the Philistines are down on you again about
the Children of Adam.2 What purblind asses! But there's
no use in irritating oneself with thinking about it—only somehow every new
instance of human folly and cant strikes one as something unexpected and
bewildering; as if one hadn't had plenty of occasion to get accustomed to anything
or everything in that line. I am sure it will do you more good than harm in the end.
I am, sometime soon, to read something on the Leaves of Grass before a German
audience, a 'Literary Club,' in Dresden.3 This will
perhaps loc_af.01026_large.jpglead to my
finding a collaborateur for the translation—said translation owing to press of
other business has not been very rigorously pursued lately, but after this month I
shall take off my coat to it again. You
received some M.S.? A great event has lately happened in our home. I have
become the father of a vigorous boy—our first-born; now some ten days old.4 "Ay, madam—it is common" but nevertheless it seems
particular to me, naturally; and is altogether an enlivening and wonderful fact to
What fearful doings in Ireland lately!5 I have a
recantation to make to you on that subject. I remember once writing to you that Home
Rule, or Separation, was in my loc_af.01027_large.jpgopinion a chimerical & undesirable scheme for Ireland. Yet then,
and always, that was the cause that had my affection & interest—only I saw
such obstacles in the way, & foresaw such dangers to liberty if it were realized,
that I could not go with it. Now all that has changed itself in my mind. I recognize
now the deepseated expression of a national will in the movement. I see that the
English can never govern us, & do worst when they mean
best. And I see that the conflicts and miseries which I still believe to be
inevitable on the fulfilment of the idea, will only be the (necessary) preludes
towards a grander liberty and nationality than is at all within our reach now. I
always abominated the English, and it is loc_af.01028_large.jpga great relief to me to find that I
can support, with the feeling that I am doing right, the cause that I always
sympathized with in my heart.—One thing is certain—these wretched
outrages will cease instantly when Ireland has a government of her own. And that she
will surely have, and I believe before long. If we only had arms we'd have a try
when England gets into difficulties about this Egyptian business. (So unspeakably
shameful to her, and more so to France).6 But I expect it will be "constitutional" measures for
some time yet. Nothing perhaps does us more harm than your dynamite party in
I hope you are well & strong now, & that you'll be well defended in your own
country against this last outrage.
Yours always
T W Rolleston.
- 1. Thomas William Hazen Rolleston
(1857–1920) was an Irish poet and journalist. After attending college in
Dublin, he moved to Germany for a period of time. He wrote to Whitman
frequently, beginning in 1880, and later produced with Karl Knortz the first
book-length translation of Whitman's poetry into German. In 1889, the collection
Grashalme: Gedichte [Leaves of
Grass: Poems] was published by Verlags-Magazin in Zurich, Switzerland.
See Walter Grünzweig, Constructing the German Walt Whitman (Iowa
City: University of Iowa Press, 1995). For more information on Rolleston, see
Walter Grünzweig, "Rolleston, Thomas William Hazen (1857–1920)," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D.
Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]
- 2. The 1881 edition of Leaves of Grass, published in Boston, was banned by the
Society for the Supression of Vice. In May 1882, James R. Osgood & Co.
ceased publication of the edition, and Rees Welsh and Company reprinted it in
the same year. In addition to Leaves of Grass, Rees Welsh
and Company published Specimen Days and Collect
(Philadelphia, 1882–83). It is this latter book to which Rolleston refers
here and the receipt of which he acknowledges in his letter to Whitman of October 29, 1882. [back]
- 3. Rolleston read a lecture
on Whitman before the Literarischer Verein of Dresden on September 25, 1883. The
lecture was published in Ueber Wordsworth und Walt
Whitman; Zwei Vorträge von H. B. Cotterill und T. W. Rolleston
(Dresden, 1883). Rolleston has given a humorous account of the Dresden society
in "The Literarischer Verein of Augustusstadt," The Dublin
University Review 1 (April 1885), 50–52. The article, which is
signed "T.W.R.," contains some interesting reflections on German poetry and
criticism. Rolleston also comments on the lectures on Wordsworth and Whitman
which he and Cotterill had given before the society and claims that "Walt
Whitman got, on the whole, a rather more encouraging reception, perhaps because
he was treated from a more exclusively philosophical point of view." After the
joint publication in pamphlet form of Ueber Wordsworth und
Walt Whitman, a good part of it was translated into English by Horace
Traubel and appeared in the Camden Post, Feburary 13,
1884. [back]
- 4. Hugh Charles Rolleston
died in 1921 after serving with the Australian Expeditionary Force during the
first World War. [back]
- 5. The agitation for Home
Rule and disturbances over agrarian outrages resulted on May 6, 1882, in the
Phoenix Park murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish, the Chief Secretary of Ireland,
and Thomas Burke, the permanent Under-Secretary. [back]
- 6. When Egypt's hazardous
financial situation required European intervention, England and France
established dual control in 1876. An antiforeign uprising was crushed in May
1882 by the British Forces. [back]
- 7. Philip H. Bagenal, in his
book The American Irish (London, 1882), 220–221,
discusses the schism among the various Irish leaders in America after the Irish
agitation of 1879–1881. The schism produced three parties—one headed
by the editor of the Irish World; another headed by the
President of the Land League organization in America and the editor of the Pilot; and a third represented by the proprietor of the
Irish Nation. Bagenal also writes that, "Besides
these, there is yet another party, which may be called the Dynamite faction, but
even to name the leaders is to confer a distinction which they do not deserve.
They have not politics at heart. They can find no one to trust them. Even the
most serious revolutionists avoid them, and so they content themselves by making
war upon society in general, and inciting dupes to commit crimes which they
would never have thought of themselves!" [back]