Was beginning to fear you were ill. Am glad you have usual health, and that we may soon welcome you to our good quiet Woodstown (we have shady streets). We can see the country hereabouts in a general way; but when summer comes, and if it is your pleasure, hope to have you repeat the visit to see our country place in all its glory.
My wife has arranged to go among her folks on Tuesday, so that day we will probably be out of town. As Monday is my press day (getting the Register printed & mailed) could not get to meet you that day very well, anyhow:
But please drop a card to say I may meet you any day after Tuesday, and we will of course expect you then to be with us over Sunday. Have you been thinking about going to Cape May this winter? We will have your R.R. tickets renewed, as after January 1, time is out on your pass to the "Cape."
Good Night, in hopes of seeing you soon W.T.Have you the block upon which those Boston Engravers cut a fairly good picture of yourself? If so, would like to borrow it, so as to give our readers an illustrated sketch of "Walt Whitman."
Your Friend Wm Taylor