On receipt of your card, to-day, stating the time of your intended start, I
telegraphed so as to be sure to reach you with word in time. I now give you the
details. O'Reilly has arranged matters at the Revere
House, & you are to be a guest there during your
stay. As I am not now in Boston, but out here (20 miles away), I cannot be at the
station to meet you, & must therefore ask you
to go right to the Revere, where you will be well taken care of. I will come &
see you Friday forenoon; not expecting to be in town before then. Etherige I have
written to but have been too busy to see (having been away in N.Y.), & he will
doubtless come to see you punctually.
Mrs. John T. Sargent (at whose house the Radical
or Chestnut Street Club meets) has, I learn, issued cards for an informal reception to
you on Friday at 3 P.M. This you would best go to, unless it will annoy you or in any
way interfere with your comfort in lecturing that evening;
& bear in mind that we expect you around at the St. Botolph after the lecture, & nothing must
be done which will tire you too much for that.
We have sold a fine lot of tickets.
Au revoir on Friday.
Faithfully yours GP Lathrop.