We have your letter of Apl. 12.
Up to the present time the royalty due to you on the sales of the book amounts to $405.50. In this we include 400 copies sent to England, which we assume to be sold, but the sale of which is uncertain.
The plates have cost us about $475. including the steel portrait, and we have on hand about 225 copies of the book in sheets—none bound.
We are willing to turn over
to you the plates, the steel portrait, and the copies on hand in
sheets without charge, you giving us a receipt in full for the amount due you for
It is perhaps not an important matter, but as your letter seems to imply that this possible change is the result of a "settled decision" on our part, we feel it right to say that it is not we who have fixed inflexible conditions under which this matter could be decided.
These conditions have been fixed by yourself and they appear to be such as to obviate the possibility of compromise.
Yours truly James R. Osgood & Co.