your four books, two photos and papers which you were so good as to send me have reached me safely—as also your post card. I thank you much for them all. I have been enjoying the Memoranda of the War which I had not seen before & which is all I have had time, in the middle of much moving about & of ill-health, to
read. I have been staying with Edward Carpenter & Herbert Gilchrist for abt. 10 or 12 days recently at Haslemere, a lovely part of Surrey, where your books & photos reached us. They tell me you still write and mostly for the papers. If you will be so good as to send me what has already appeared since your last Edition & what you may publish from time to time; and let me know the cost of it (including postage), I shall
feel much obliged and I will send you the amount. I will always cherish anything coming from you—a post-card, for instance, or a paper or anything that will make me feel near you as I have felt the last few days since the receipt of your books & photos. I shall probably be in England till the middle of October—and then I return to Ceylon. Communications directed to me as "Ceylon Civil Service,
Colombo, Ceylon", will always find me.
I gave one set of the books you sent me to my uncle's widow Lady Cosmara Scotney (a young English lady) whose acquaintance with your writings began with mine over four years ago and was like mine improved subsequently during our residence in Ceylon. She & her sister formed members of our party at Haslemere and we talked & and thought much of you. She and her sister
and mother are among your greatest admirers & friends in England. I was very sorry to have missed Mrs. Gilchrist who was expected in a few days at Haslemere, but I hope to see her before I leave England.
I gave your message to Edw. Carpenter. I left him day before yesterday at Haslemere. He is expected here today.
I hope your health continues to improve and I remain with
much respect & affection