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Daniel G. Brinton to Walt Whitman, 28 Feburary 1887

 loc_es.00079.jpg My dear Mr. Whitman:

I wish to express to you the great satisfaction, which I have heard on all hands, felt by the members of the Club at your reading, and remarks, on last Tuesday evening.2

Your selections were most happy, and your rendering of them impressive. Every one present, both members and guests, with whom I have spoken about it, has regarded it as a memorable occasion, and a thoroughly successful meeting.

With best wishes I remain yours sincerely D. G. Brinton  loc_es.00080.jpg  loc_es.00077.jpg  loc_es.00078.jpg

Daniel Garrison Brinton (1837–1899) was a surgeon in the Union Army during the American Civil War and then practiced medicine in Pennsylvania. He went on to become a professor at the Academy of Natural Sciences, where he taught archaelogy and ethnology, and, later, he worked as a professor of linguistics and archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania. Whitman admired Brinton, who would speak at the poet's funeral.


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Mr. Walt Whitman, | 328 Mickle St. | Camden | N.J. It is postmarked: Philadelphia, Pa | Feb 28 | 2 PM | 87; Camden, N.J. | Feb | 28 | 4 PM | 1887 | Rec'd. The following return address is printed on the envelope: D. G. BRINTON, M. D., | Medical and Scientific Publications, | NO. 115 SO. 7th Street, | Philadelphia. [back]
  • 2. On February 22, 1887, Whitman read some of his poems (he recorded that they were "Word by the Sea"—probably "A Word Out of the Sea, " an earlier title of "Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking"—and "Mystic Trumpeter") at the "Contemporary Club" in Philadelphia. [back]
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