Enclosed please find a draft for twenty ($20.) dollars for which please send me 3 copies of "Leaves of Grass" and 1 copy of "Two Rivulets."1 I delivered my lecture in Chatham the other day and this is some of the result—I shall probably have some more orders from them after a little—I am engaged to deliver the lecture in London & Sarnia this month and I shall be pretty sure to have orders from both these towns I think therefore that
it would be as well for you to send me some copies to account for—say 4 copies of "L. of G." & 2 of "T. R." or even more if you have plenty of copies on hand—If you send the books in a box please take care that there are no nails projecting into it—one vol. of the last batch got a little scratched up this way—You had better leave the expressage to be paid here as before & I will charge it against future remittances