I send you today a London paper with a sample of the controversy that has been going on here for some time about "Leaves of Grass,"2 I think it is quite likely that a few copies could now be sold in this neighbourhood. I have seen a bookseller about it and I am going to propose a plan to you. It is this: I.I. Anderson & Co. will keep "Leaves of Grass" and advertise it with their ordinary book-list and they will have 10 p.c. i.e. 50¢ a vol. for selling it—I will hand over to them the vols. that are on the way now and they will get others from you as they need them—You will always notify me when you send them books & the number of vols. sent—I will be responsible to you for the books sent them and will collect the money derived from
man_ej.00028_large.jpgsales from them from time to time and remit it to you.
There is another matter: the tariff on books has lately been altered it is now 15 p.c. this would be 75¢ a vol. on your books—in making out your invoices your proper plan is to put the books in at $5.00 per vol. and allow 40 p.c. discount off—this is about the usual discount to the trade—this will make the duty 45 cents a vol. So that I should be able to send you $4.05 for each vol. sold.—Please let me know at once if this plan meets your approval
Many of my friends have an extraordinary curiosity to see you and I hope that you will gratify it by paying us your promised visit this summer—Mrs Bucke and the children are almost as anxious as I am that you should come—
Your friend R M Bucke