It is years since I received from you a precious letter in reply to some South Sea sketches I had sent you;1 and though in that letter you said you did not like to write letters but preferred to meet people, I venture for several reasons to address you once more.
My copy of your "Leaves of Grass" Edt -67 has been with me to the Sandwich Islands2 and to Tahiti and all over Europe—to Egypt; up the Nile into Nubia,3 up into Asiatic Turkey and if you could see its well thumbed pages you would realize how faithful a reader I have been. It is now my chief delight and I am glad to tell you so.
May I ask if it will be possible for me to obtain a copy of the man_ej.00196_large.jpgOriginal Edition—the large thin volume which,
I am told, you helped to print? I want so much to have it. Did you set the type—or any
part of it?
Have you still some copies of your complete works in two Vols , such as I saw in England? If you have, may I send you the price of them and receive the set with your photographs and Autograph (your name and mine) from your own hands?
Before me hangs a picture of you which I cut long ago from an Early Edition of your Poems. I like it above all others; It is the best—a lithograph, I think—with the broad collar thrown open and such a glow of splendid health in the face.
I want so much, dear Friend, to have certain lines, which I have
selected, in your hand writing, to frame with this picture. Am I asking man_ej.00070_large.jpgtoo much in asking
this? Command me in return, my friend, and see if I will not respond.
These are the lines I beg of you; are they not fit?
Will you so far indulge me as to write them on a single page and to post them with your name and mine also?
I beseech you do me this favor and fear not that I will trouble you more—
the Autograph
"Behold this swarthy face, this unrefined face—these gray eyes, This beard—the white wool unclipt upon my neck, My brown hands, and the silent manner of me, without charm. You will hardly know who I am, or what I mean; But I shall be good health to you nevertheless, And filter and fibre your blood. Failing to fetch me at first, keep encouraged; Missing one place, search an other; I stop somewhere, waiting for you.Walt Whitman
to Chrs Warren Stoddard"
In rereading this letter I feel that I am asking much—too much—but have not the heart to suppress any part of it.
My friend Joaquin Miller4 and I have often talked of you. I desired much to see you when I was on my way home from the Old World—two years ago—but failed.
Please forgive me for this intrusion and believe in any case that
I am Yours with hearty love Chrs. Warren Stoddard.