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Charles Warren Stoddard to Walt Whitman, 7 July 1880

 man_ej.00075_large.jpg Dear Walt Whitman,

Many, many thanks for the beautiful Vols​ and the autographs and postal card and the letters in the London Journal and the promise of a bit of your writing for me to frame with the picture of my choice.1

Enclosed I send the postal order and hope it will reach you safely.

The very day the  man_ej.00197_large.jpg  man_ej.00198_large.jpgJournal—containing your letters—arrived, part of the letter was quoted in the S.F.Chronicle.

I need pay you no compliments; but I must again thank you for all the hours you have made precious to me, and once again assure you of the love of Your friend

Chrs​ Warren Stoddard. To Walt Whitman— London, Ontario Co. Canada.  man_ej.00077_large.jpg


  • 1. Charles Warren Stoddard (1843–1909) published Poems, edited by Bret Harte, in 1867. His account of "A South-Sea Idyl," Overland Monthly, 3 (September 1869), 257–264, is mentioned in Whitman's April 23, 1870, letter to Stoddard. A journalist and a lecturer at the Catholic University of America from 1889 to 1902, Stoddard was for a brief period Mark Twain's secretary. [back]
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