I was ever so sorry today to see by the Paper you sent me, that you were ill I hope
this will find you ever so much better—Cant
you let me know that you are I
dont want you to go home without visiting Detroit,
I would like to have you make
your visit a little late, I will tell you why—My husband and a son in law
are making a trip around the Lakes to Chicago and back—and my son in law
Lewis T Ives—with his
man_ej.00203_large.jpgson1 are at Pittsfield Mass they are both Artists,
Father and son—the latter just sixteen years of age—but of great promise—I
know that my son Lewis would be so glad to meet you. You will remember that he was
the one who rescued your Leaves of Grass for me, and brought it from
England Did you get the story of the Book?
If you do not feel well enough to answer my questions—wont some friend do it for me—and please let me be assured of a visit from you before you return
I am very truly Yours obliged Eliza S Leggett.Correspondent:
Eliza Seaman Leggett
(1815–1900) was a suffragist and abolitionist who later founded the
Detroit Women's Club. She married Augustus Wright Leggett (1836–1855), and
the couple's home was a stop on the Underground Railroad. Leggett, who was also
the grandmother of the artist Percy Ives, corresponded sporadically with Whitman
from 1880 until his death. A number of her letters to him are reprinted in
Thomas Donaldson's Walt Whitman: The Man (New York:
Francis P. Harper, 1896), 239–48. For more information on Leggett, see
Joann P. Krieg, "Walt Whitman's Long Island Friend: Eliza Seaman Leggett," Long Island Historical Journal 9 (Spring 1997),