I received your letter today1 & am sorry to hear that you are sick I hope that you will be better soon I am glad to hear that you like the Country & people & hope you will soon get well to enjoy all & evry thing George2 is well & has been a good deal better this summer than usual the Boys are all well Harry has not been in the store since you were here he left the day after you did Mont3 has taken his place
the weather here has been very warm & dry till this week we have had splendid showers most every day.
things are beginning to look up & farmers are more hopefull
Ruthie has been to Pitman Grove for a weeks pleasure has just returned a day or two ago she had a nice time George spent a day at Williams Town at the old place sais things look worse than when we lived there The Boys have all been off for a day or two of pleasure one at a time next month they will all be off to Pitman Grove for a week Ed was home to day sais he will write to you tomorrow Debbie & Jo are well Debbie will write to you I should not wonder if you get 3 letter from us all at once, I will have to close my letter.4 with love to you & a pleasent journey & a safe return
good by Sue Stafford